Tuesday, December 1, 2009


A long time dream coming true. The MSU Applied Art blog will almost act as a secondary website for the Faculty of Fine Arts,(living with the official M.S.U. website is a pain in the gut). This blog is primarily a platform to share with the community, the concerns we have towards it and the efforts we make to make a difference, however small, while showing off our exceptional skills at the visual arts. So we hope you enjoy the visual treat as much as we do sharing it with you.



  1. good initiative. those still in college could post updates regarding their work and events in the faculty/department. please keep this running. there have been efforts in the past but they don't last very long. mostly due to lack of interest of the operating members. do let us know how we, alumni can contribute to this.

    all the best!

  2. Dear OM and Gullo,

    We are going to change the banner every week, so we want new banners, you will be credited. size is 770px wide x 85-100px tall.

  3. killer guys....killer !! go for it!!

  4. long time - 24 followers - no post yet!
